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Web Development may be a piece of cake walk for anyone with strong computer background, however freshers are chilled by the deception of real life projects. No matter what one may not simply earn the badge of skills in the tech realm without the practice of hobby projects. Devices with different specifications and screen sizes were begun to reach the users which resulted in numerous frameworks and development tools which includes React JS a popular javascript library used by popular web applications. The Learning curve is not so steep and not very simple either, one can excel and enrich their knowledge with the below curriculum I've formed. To Learn Web Development along with me and seek knowledge collabaratively , you can reach me at linkedin Madhana Gopal

Web Development Curriculum
HTMLLearn the basics of HTML, including how to create web pages, add content, and format text.10 hours
CSSLearn how to style web pages with CSS, including how to change the font, color, and layout of your pages.15 hours
JavaScriptLearn how to add interactivity to your web pages with JavaScript, including how to create events, animations, and games.20 hours
ReactLearn how to build complex web applications with React, a popular JavaScript library.30 hours
Node.jsLearn how to build server-side applications with Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment.25 hours